How are EPS Waffle Pods Recycled?

Expanded Polystyrene Waffle Pods, or EPS Waffle Pods, have transformed the entire construction industry over the years. Buildings constructed using EPS waffle pods require a significantly lower amount of cement. To top it off, they are made of 98% air and only 2% polystyrene, making them one of the lightest materials suitable for packaging and construction applications.

Even if it’s just 2%, polystyrene is still a non-biodegradable material, but it’s still 100% recyclable. This is why if all the manufacturers and consumers of EPS waffle pods recycled them, they could reduce the construction activities’ impact on global warming. Read on to find out how the EPS waffle pods are recycled.

Here’s How Omega Packaging Recycles Waffle Pods

Did you know that Australia consumes about 45,000 metric tonnes of EPS each year? Only 27 percent of this is recycled each year. Although EPS waffle pods are 100% recyclable, if everyone in the industry doesn’t do their bit, EPS waffle pods will still end up causing harm to the environment.

Pods Floor System

At Omega Packaging, we ensure we take responsibility for the products we make. This is why we have a modern factory located in Australia that includes a recycling plant too. We accept all the damaged boxes or EPS packaging that our customers no longer need.

Once we ensure the EPS foam is cleaned and good to go, it’s crushed into small particles. The particles are then melted with the help of our special extruder. It also converts them into General Purpose Polystyrene (GPPS).

Zero Wastage! Zero Rubbish!

Order Your EPS Waffle Pod Today!

Invest in the endless possibilities of waffle pods. Omega Packaging’s experienced team is here to help you out with your construction project. Our know-how comes from being key players in worldwide businesses—we understand our customers’ needs better than any other packaging solutions supplier around the world. Contact us at 03 8348 5611 or to get started!